I Am Worth More Than GOLD...#GoddessGold

Breakups are the worst! There's always this one thing i feel when i go through one. i feel like i don't mean anything. i'm learning how important it is to never discourage yourself, to be the best person you can be. if someone doesn't know your worth and how special you are, then that person doesn't deserve you. I've been verbally abused by someone that I thought would love me forever. it hurt me to the point where i was depressed and didn't eat for days. my mom had no clue what was wrong with me, she just thought i was sick. that was last year. since then i have learned to always put myself before anyone else. if i could talk to the girl i was last year, i would tell her "you deserve the best things in life. as a young lady sometimes we all have to realize that no matter what we're special in our own way. never downgrade your opinion of yourself to help benefit someone else. don't rush love. when it's ready it'll come your way." now, i focus my energy on positive relationships. like the one i have with my mother and my best friends, the reason why is because they help to keep my spirits up and remind me what real love is. the most important relationship in my life right now, is actually the one i have with myself. i love myself more than anyone else ever could, so in a way i'm happy that i experienced that form of hurt; because i will never allow someone to mistreat me that way again. i know that i am worth more than gold, with that small piece of knowledge no one can ever tear me down.
-Renee W.